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Eleven Tips For Using Avocado Oil (Genie in a Bottle)

Thinking of purchasing our oil or you have a gorgeous bottle in your kitchen, we've assembled eleven (11) tips and uses for Bella Vado Avocado Oil.  Whether you want to try something different or renew your passion for cooking - We've got you covered with these great tips!

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Avocado Soap Ball Scrubs

Ingredients: ½ cup of white sugar 1 cup of grated avocado bar soap ½ cup of original avocado oil (If you use the skin serum with essential oils in it you can skip the additional EO ingredient below) Few drops of your favorite EO – (Add if you are using the original avocado oil with no flavor or scent or an unscented bar soap)* Truffle spoon scoop (these are smaller than the ice cream spoon scoops) * Practice caution when using essential oils on the skin. Play close attention to the ingredients. Citrus oils can cause irritation. Direct skin contact can cause irritation. Essential oils are best used diluted ina mix or carrier oil such as avocado oil or coconut...

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Fox 6 News – Gaby Dalkin Avocado Oil Feature

  In this feature, Bella Vado was honored to be a part of the show with Avocado oil has so many uses! But the most effective and healthy use for avocado oil is to infuse it into your salads. This helps increase absorption of the nutrients in your salad and avocado oil, into your body.

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